Here’s a surprising fact, digital marketing budgets are on the rise and rise each year. 2022 saw digital marketing budges increase by 15.6%! It was a whopping $521.02 billion in 2021 compared with traditional marketing; it saw a 0.7% decrease in the same time frame. Many law firms are tied to the traditional way of marketing, but to be an effective lawyer marketing, here are 6 tips to get you started and on your way to being a marketing menace.



6 Tips in Law Firm Marketing


1. Who is your target audience?

To know what areas of emphasis of digital marketing are right for you, you must know who your client is and their online behavior. You might have a clue as to what they’re searching for. 

However, there’s a chance you don’t, and if not, then you need to collect information through past clients and dig through files to get to know them. Knowing your client’s feelings when they stumble on your website and what they’re trying to find helps hone your marketing.

For instance, Whenever someone is looking for a lawyer, they’re looking for trustworthiness and a high-quality individual or firm to assist them. Testimonials and reviews can help in this case.


2. What are your goals for digital marketing?

Like everything in life, you consider your goals for a specific activity. Some metrics can help to measure your goals, such as: 

  • Lead numbers
  • Lead costs
  • Conversion rate

Metrics like this can measure the success of your marketing skills by increasing your ability to gain clients, keeping those clients, and uplifting your law firm’s brand. What goal should I get your attention on? It just determines how well your website is performing. Less traffic? Look into growing your visitors. High traffic but conversions low? Focus on that.


3. Which marketing channels do you want to focus on?

Are you trying to increase traffic? Work on conversion? Let’s take increasing traffic as an example. There are a myriad of options to choose from to increase traffic to your website, such as:

  • Organic/Paid social media marketing campaigns
  • SEO
  • Blog posts

Try working on multiple channels simultaneously to get the most out of your social media marketing experience. For instance, people with injuries might seek out a lawyer for assistance. Personal injury lawyer marketing using SEOs can increase traffic to your website.


4. Sustain a neat blog.

Keeping a well-maintained blog is one of the most effective forms of content you can bring to your website. Blogs are where you can answer questions that the audience you’re trying to attract is searching for on Google. 

Make high-quality, concise content that will drag the reader into seeing what your law firm is about. Long Content actually outperforms content that is of shorter and less quality; don’t be mistaken.

Along with improving your overall ranking, the blog can be used to share news regarding the company and the industry, newly available information on the staff, and updates at a convenient time.


5. Is there a call to action?

Have you considered what you’d like readers to do after reading one of your blogs? Every piece of unique content that tries to direct readers down the sales rabbit hole needs a call to action. It doesn’t matter what kind of content is produced; ensure that there is a call to action.

These calls to action are designed to take your lead and guide them to your desired result. They are creating conversion from the result of the buyer’s journey.


6. Are the results what you wanted?

After reviewing your goals for this endeavor, using key performance indicators (KPIs) and the channels you’ve chosen to focus on, keeps a record of your results. Remembering your progress and knowing where you started only shows your digital marketing ROI. As well as allowing you to zoom in and see what paths work and where you need to shift.


Use Digital Marketing to Advance Your Law Firm

Using a great marketing strategy is the key to your lawyer marketing firm’s success. It requires a lot of persistence and time, but if you intend to fund it wisely, you’ll gain interest.